Magic Place Early Childhood Education and Care Centre

Newsletter - October 2010 

Kia Ora to all our families and whānau.


 Ø  Please Slow Down! Drive slowly into the car park area at Magic Place! Lets look after the safety of our children.

 Ø  If your child has arrived home with clothing that does not belong to them, could you please return it as soon as possible? We have many items of clothing that have gone missing over recent months.

 Ø  Water is best! Some children are still having energy type (sugar loaded) drinks in their lunch boxes. We suggest you replace these with bottles of water. Thanks.

 Ø  A pram and bike bay is provided for your convenience (behind the big green gate) to leave your child’s pushchair or bike during the day. We suggest you use your storm cover while the weather is unsettled.

 Ø   If your child is turning three, they are eligible for 20 hours Free Childcare. Ask Thais if you want to take up this offer. All 3 & 4 year olds are eligible.

 Ø  Work & Income Subsidy – Childcare & OSCAR subsidies are available to families who are within the income threshold.

We would like to encourage parents or whānau to share any skills, stories, cultural activities or ideas with us that may be explored by Magic Place

 Policies for review this month: Maintenance; Management; Medication; Motor Vehicle Travel; Nappy Changing; & Open Door.  

Messages from our Team 
Our children have had a growing interest in shapes over the past month. This interest has been explored through the use of puzzles, blocks and during mat time. We made a poster of all the different shapes we could think of and labelled them in both English and Māori. We also ventured into the community to find the shapes we have learnt about. Photos were taken and made into a book called ‘We are going on a shape hunt’. 
Our outside playground is developing daily. We have watched the poles  for the shade sail go up, and the safety matting go down. We have waited with anticipation for the day that we are able to play on our new playground.   

Ø  A big thank you to all our parents for returning the recent Parent Survey, your feedback is always appreciated. In response to your feedback, we have launched our website

Ø  Our children have enjoyed learning about the colour whero (red) during last month with red water play, paint, balloons and play dough. Our colour for this month is kākāriki (green). 

Ø  The children have been busy enjoying the outdoor play, especially the sandpit. 

Ø  Children are building wonderful skills with our weekly process cooking – we may have a few chefs amongst us!  

Ø  The walks out in the community are allowing us to explore and experience the environment.  

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